Science moves
... presuming, it is understood.
We communicate scientific work in a way that amazes people.
For more “Wow!” and less “Huh?”
In a time of upheaval and increasingly rapid developments, science helps us to find our bearings. Serious scientific findings form an objective basis for decision-making in society as a whole and contribute to the democratisation of knowledge. Knowledge is power, power that we believe everyone should have at their disposal.
As a creative studio for science communication, we help our clients to communicate their work and findings to the desired target groups in an understandable, inspiring and tangible way.
Our work
"Christoph Nick from Zum Staunen* is also a researcher – a researcher in science communication."
— Dr. Matthias Beyer, Isodrones
Curious to find out more?
Arrange a non-committal and
free introductory meeting.