Case Study: "Metis Institute for Strategy and Foresight"

How can our highly complex world become safer?

Named after the Greek goddess of practical knowledge and wise counsel, the “Metis Institute for Strategy and Foresight” is dedicated to strategically relevant issues of current and future international politics.

Our contribution


Work process: German
Products: German & English

Shares of the total scope of services


Logo, logo animation, corporate design, style guide, on-air motion graphics, business cards, business stationery, presentation templates, infographics; publications: studies, interviews, collective publications, leaflets, displays, QR codes, pull-up banners, website, Twitter graphics & AV teasers, video interviews with subtitles; office and conference equipment; promotional materials with foresight: umbrellas, webcam blockers, RFID blockers


  • Team Metis
  • Jens Hofmayer: Logo redesign, webdesign
  • Daniel Hiepler: Website realisation & maintenance
  • Lukas Thorsson: Motion graphics
  • Katja Faier: Image conception
  • Jan Lösch-Schloms: Image research
  • Ariane Wilhelmi: Image research

Further work

Case Study
“Isodrones” Research Initiative

What secrets do deep roots harbour about water cycles?

TU Braunschweig
Cluster of Excellence application “Cognition and Behaviour in the Anthropocene”

How do individuals deal with change in times of drastic change?

University of Göttingen
Case Study
“Isodrones” Research Initiative

How can remote field research be experienced on VR glasses?

TU Braunschweig


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